Useful information about Knudsen Plast
Working with plastics solutions for the healthcare sector, where demands for specific tolerances are extremely high, is a challenge above and beyond the ordinary. During production, plastic never behaves in exactly the same way; injection moulding of disposables therefore requires the sort of precision which comes from the application of specialist skills and many years of experience. At Knudsen Plast, we are fortunate in having plenty of skills and experience.
One thing is to determine what is physically possible another to establish what is commercially possible; a few modelling changes can sometimes make all the difference. If you come to Knudsen Plast with a proposal, we always take an overall view. First and foremost we evaluate the potential for the item to be manufactured in plastic to the given tolerances. We then calculate whether production at competitive prices is possible. Where this is not the case, we put forward constructive proposals so that production can be achieved without making a loss.

Jens Kristian Pedersen
Managing Director
Tel: +45 53 63 12 26
40 years’ experience cannot be denied
For 40 years our business has revolved around injection moulded plastic solutions for the healthcare sector. We specialise in product and production maturing, precision injection moulding and quality control.
We have proved ourselves to be one of the most competent partners on the market. We are familiar with all the possibilities and have yet to be confronted with a problem that we could not solve.
Besides contract production, outsourcing and product maturing, we also offer consultancy, mentoring and testing in the product development phase. We are also happy to undertake all-inclusive assignments – from initial concept to finished product.
A promise is a promise
Our core competence is advanced technology, but our work ethos and relations with our customers are quite straightforward. The organisation is flat - which means that directions can quickly be turned into action. As a customer you will notice that it is easy to talk to us and that you can always be sure that our word is our bond.
We believe that dialogue is the most effective way to create the outcomes our customers require. Only close customer contact enables a rational course of development, with a minimum of wasted resources or expensive mistakes.

Jens Kristian Pedersen
Managing Director
Tel: +45 53 63 12 26
Working at Knudsen Plast
Without our talented employees and their core competencies, it is not possible to develop and maintain our high standard. Therefore we would like to attract the most talented people.
We offer you
A job in a healthy company where quality and delivery precision are paramount. Here is the opportunity to have an exciting and varied job, where there is ample opportunity to work with the latest technology in injection molding, and the opportunity to develop both professionally and personally. There will be the provision of relevant training.
We have a good tone, a good working environment and a team of dedicated and talented employees.
[button style="color" href="/en/knudsen-plast/job/job-application" target="_self"]See our Vacancies here.[/button]
How can we collaborate?
We have specialised in injection moulded plastic components for the healthcare industry for the past 40 years. Our extensive experience makes us one of the most competent collaborators in the market.
We can provide or take over your current production of plastic components for the healthcare industry. We are with you throughout the process – from receiving your finished prototype to delivering the final product. You can also choose to outsource the logistics to us and thus the responsibility for making sure you always have the right number of plastic components available.
You are welcome to contact me. Together we can find the right solution for your production.